Videos from our previous events can be found below. Videos from the Liberating Evangelicalism conference are here.
Evangelicals 4 Justice
From Conflict to Community:
Meaningful Action that Brings Us Together Rather Than Tears Us Apart
Feb 11-12, 2022 (Zoom)
Session 1: Difficult Conversations in the Church
Moderator: Marlena Graves. Speakers: Lenore Three Stars, Jim Sequeira, Justine Wilson, Andrew Cheung, Rob Dalrymple
Session 2: Transforming Divisive Conversations on Critical Race Theory and Diversity and Inclusion
Moderator: Russell Jeung. Speakers: Lisa Sharon Harper, Soong-Chan Rah, Randy Woodley (note: one speaker declined to be included in the video so their comments were edited out).
Session 3: Meet the Authors
Lisa Sharon Harper – Fortune
Randy Woodley – Becoming Rooted
Rob Dalrymple – These Brothers of Mine
One other speaker did not want to be included in the recording so their comments were edited out.
Session 4: Faith Rooted Organizing Strategies That Bring Us Together
Workshop by Alexia Salvatierria
Evangelicals 4 Justice/Voices/Freedom Road/Christians for Social Action
#LamentingChristianNationalism Vigil and #BeyondChristianNationalism Videos
More information from the vigil and the week of action can be found at
Lamenting Christian Nationalism Prayer Vigil
What is Christian Nationalism?
Moderator: Nikki Toyama-Szeto. Speakers: Daniel Hill, Soong-Chan Rah, Randy Woodley and Lisa Sharon Harper
How can BIPOC Christians Unite Beyond Christian Nationalism?
Speakers: Lenore Three Stars, Dominique Gilliard, Andrew Cheung, Robert Chao Romero, and Sandra Van Opstal
From the Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East
Christian Nationalism and Christian Zionism
Speakers: Lisa Sharon Harper, David Crump and Daniel Hawk.
From the Network of Evangelicals for the Middle East
From Ferguson to Palestine
Speakers: Jer Swigart, Mae Cannon, Dominique Gilliard, Jack Munayer
Evangelicals 4 Justice and Voices School for Liberation and Transformation
Race, Gender and Christian Nationalism: The Impact of Trumpism on Evangelicals Zoom Conference Videos
January 29-30, 2021
January 29 (Session 1): Impact of Trumpism on the Church
Moderator: Lenore Three Stars. Speakers: Soong-Chan Rah, Ange-Marie Alfaro, Robert Chao Romero, Russell Jeung
January 29 (Session 2): Inroads of Trumpism among White Women and in Communities of Color
Moderator: Marlena Graves. Speakers: Jonathan Cavillo, Carolyn Custis James, Andrew Cheung, Leroy Barber
January 30 (Sessions 3-5) (all on same video)
Session 3: Theological Education in a Post-Trump Period
Moderator: Leroy Barber. Speakers: Dominique Gilliard, Jenny Elsey, Michael Mata
Session 4: Assessment of the 2020 Elections
Moderator: Mae Cannon. Speakers: Lisa Sharon Harper, Robert P. Jones, Adam Taylor, Tatiana Torres
Session 5: Where to Now for Evangelicals in a Post-Trump Period
Moderator: Dana Baker. Speakers: Drew Hart, Jonathan Brooks, Mayra Macedo-Nolan, Andrea Smith
Follow us on Twitter: @Evang4Justice
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Recent Posts
- Evangelical Perspectives on Israel and Palestine – by Rob Dalrymple
- Indigenous Peoples and Christian Nationalism by Lenore Three Stars
- Recognizing Nationalism by Andrew Cheung
- Ukraine: “Wars and rumors of wars”: a sign of the times, or a sign of all times? A Christian response by Rob Dalrymple
- E4J Annual Zoom Conference: From Conflict to Community, Feb 11-12, 2022