Evangelicals 4 Justice is an eclectic network of evangelical thought leaders and activists dedicated to making broad cultural impact through prophetic witness to the whole church.
We are both a listening and speaking body, mobilizing evangelicals to engage a whole gospel in their personal lives and in the public square; doing justice, loving mercy, and walking humbly with our God. We seek to promote dialogue and discussion on evangelicalism and justice so that we can collectively learn from each other.
The content on the website does not necessarily represent official positions from E4J but are there to promote thoughtful reflection and exchange.
Follow us on Twitter at @Evang4Justice
Follow us on Twitter: @Evang4Justice
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Recent Posts
- Evangelical Perspectives on Israel and Palestine – by Rob Dalrymple
- Indigenous Peoples and Christian Nationalism by Lenore Three Stars
- Recognizing Nationalism by Andrew Cheung
- Ukraine: “Wars and rumors of wars”: a sign of the times, or a sign of all times? A Christian response by Rob Dalrymple
- E4J Annual Zoom Conference: From Conflict to Community, Feb 11-12, 2022