Evangelical Perspectives on Israel and Palestine – by Rob Dalrymple
- Evangelicals 4 Justice
- Jun, 26, 2023
- Blog, News
- No Comments
Check out these blogs on evangelical perspectives on Israel and Palestine by Rob Dalrymple
You can also sign up for his newsletter on the website of each blog.
The status quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t good! Part #1
The Status Quo in Israel-Palestine ain’t good: Part 2: why we need another strategy
The status quo in Israel-Palestine: Part #4 My experience in the West Bank
In Israel and Palestine the status quo ain’t status quo: Power and peace: Part 5
In Israel-Palestine the status quo ain’t status quo: #6 Why should we care?
If you were a Palestinian, what would you do? The story of Daoud Nassar and Daher’s Vineyard
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