Reflections on AACC Statement on Anti-Asian Violence in the Time of COVID19 – Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierria
- Evangelicals 4 Justice
- Apr, 14, 2020
- Blog
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These next couple of weeks, Evangelicals 4 Justice is sharing reflections on the Asian American Christian Collective’s Statement on Anti-Asian Violence in the time of COVID-19. This is the first:
“Our collective Body, the Body of Christ and the Body Politic, are achy and feverish, anguished by the unjust suffering of some of our members and the many losses of the moment. But we are strengthened by the hope of healing. Christ is risen and all good things are possible. Let’s respond to this good news with a promise of the heart to confront the bad news of injustice with united action towards the world we dream of –a world where everyone has equal access to good health, where everyone is treated as if they are valuable enough to die for, where God is known by all and his good and perfect will is done.”
Rev. Dr. Alexia Salvatierra, Fuller Theological Seminary and Matthew 25/Mateo 25
You can sign onto AACC’s statement here
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